Blockprint Workshop 25th of November

Always wanted to create your own print? This is your chance. During this workshop you design your own stamp. Carve it out of soft linoleum and print it on fabric. You can make a single print or create a pattern. Feel free to experiment. No experience needed.

Plain fabric is included, but you can also bring some stuff yourself to customize. Think of a jacket, t-shirt, some baby or kids clothing, placemats, napkins you name it. In a light color, because of the ink.

Language: depending on the group, Dutch and/or English
Haarlem (Leidsevaartbuurt)
25 november 13:00-16:30
Investment: €55 (including materials, tea and snacks)
More info and sign up:

Or on the signup form below

Design and carve your own stamp for fabric printing